----- Original Message -----
From: shianghueiyu
To: 吳智惠
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:43 PM
Subject: 親愛的台福人:平安
1. 請(迫切)繼續為為丁昭昇長老娘禱告求上帝醫治並賜力量,她將在5/7/08作第二次的化療(Please continue to pray for her 2nd cycle chemotherapy on May 7)。
2. 我們看到丁長老在這事件時,仍然堅守崗位,為台宣2015-100而努力,每天仍然收到他的E-Mail,仍然接到他的電話(或Skype)關懷與事工。另人感動。
嘉南 象輝 智惠 敬上
Let's praise the Lordd and continue to wait for His mercy.
His Servant,
Felix Liu 劉富理
Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:58
Praise God! My mother has been transferred from ICU to the oncology ward.
Praise God! Her red blood count has gone up from 9.5 (after the transfusion on Saturday) to 11.0 on her own blood production. This is the first time it went up on its own without the help of the blood transfusion. Though the levels are far from normal, it's still a praise that's it gone up. First time since last November!
Praise God! She is in good spirits. We watched some Dancing with Stars and watch the Lakers beat the Nuggets. It was nice to spend time with her. The specialist will see her tomorrow and determine whether she will need any special procedure for the area of infectious. The doctors may or may not release her to go home tomorrow. It depends on her area of infection. At least she is off of all antibiotics and IV and freely moves about.
Thanks for you prayers.
Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:21
Dear All,
Thank God and thank you for your prayers. Yes, Ruth is my wife's name. She looks very normal now but I was so scared to see her not responding to my question but with a very funny look yesterday. It was a blood infection. Please continue to pray for her 2nd cycle chemotherapy on May 7 if her condition is all right. Thanks again and God bless.
4/26/2008 11:28 PM